Port Description
Location: Tripoli (Tarabulus) is situated in W Libya, and is the capital and principal port of the country.
General overview: The harbour covers an area of approx 3.0sq km and is protected by 2 breakwaters, NE of 2,000m and the NW of 700m in length. Increased passenger vessel traffic by Costa Cruises will boost passengers
travelling to Tripoli and Benghazi to approx 50,000 per year.
Traffic figures: Approx 300 vessels visit the port annually.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: Max LOA 183m, draught 10m.

Pre Arrival Information
ETA’s: Vessel’s ETA should be sent 12 hours prior to arrival.
Communications : VHF: Ch 06, 10, 12 and 16.
Sea buoys, Fairways and channels: Approach and entry: The port is approached through compulsory designated Approach Reporting Points, shown on the chart, and entered at Caliuscia Bank, through dredged channels and between breakwaters, on the alignment of leading lights. For details of Approach Reporting Points see General Marine Information.
Outer approaches: Vessels approaching Tripoli must keep clear of the Entry Prohibited Areas, as shown on the chart, and pass through one of the Approach Reporting Points before proceeding to the pilot boarding position (32°56.3 N 013°13.4 E).
Approach Leading Lights: Front light (red and white triangle point up) (32°54.4 N 013°13.7 E) Rear light (red and white triangle point down) (130m from front light). From the vicinity of the pilot boarding position the alignment (175°) of these lights leads S for 1nm through a channel, dredged to a depth of 11.5m over a width of 150m, across Caliuscia Bank, passing (with position from the front light): E of No 1 Light Beacon (green single pile beacon, pivoted at base) (1.75nm N), and: W of No 2 Light Beacon (red single pile beacon, pivoted at base) (1.75nm N), then: W of a dangerous wreck (1.5nm N) on the detached part of Caliuscia Bank, then: E of E edge of Caliuscia Bank (1.25nm NNW), marked by No 3 Lightbuoy (starboard hand). In strong N winds the sea breaks on the bank. Then from a position 0.15nm NW of No 4 Light Beacon (1nm N) alter course onto the following
Leading line: Entry leading lights: Front light (column) (32°53.7 N 013°10.9 E) Rear light (mast on building) (300m from front light). The alignment (233°) of these lights leads 1.75nm SW in the channel through to the inner harbour, passing between the heads of NE Breakwater and NW Breakwater, 150m wide into the outer harbour, and between the heads of the moles to the inner harbour. Pilot: Compulsory and available 0600-1800hrs. Pilot boards 0.5nm N of the harbour entrance. The pilot boat is a grey launch with a yellow funnel.
Anchorages: The anchorage area for vessels awaiting a berth lies approx 1.75nm N of Tarabulus Light (32°54.2 N 013°10.6 E), the holding ground is reported to be good. Tidal range and flow: N ly winds sometimes raise the level of the water by as much as 0.9m. During February and March the mean level may fall 0.5m below normal.
Currents: Off the port the current is usually ESE going at a rate of about 0.5kt, but occasionally, during NE winds which predominate in summer, a WNW going current is experienced. A surface current flowing across, or through, the harbour entrance is associated with the occurrence of the Marrobbio; this current may be very strong, rates of more than 3kts having been observed, and it causes eddies and tide rips near the harbour entrance. It does not flow in one direction for more than 20 or 30 minutes, and then may flow strongly in the opposite direction. The oscillations in tidal level, and the associated tidal streams, gradually diminish. Dock density: 1026.
Weather: Prevailing winds: N’ly. Mist or haze is common, the latter especially with winds between E and S therefore the coast should be approached with caution. Strong NW winds raise a heavy sea in the harbour entrance. The harbour should not be entered in bad weather.
Charts: BA 248, 3403. Admiralty Pilot NP49, NP286(3. Tugs: There are 7 tugs 500-2,400hp available.
Berths And Cargo
Pier No 1: 300m of berthing space, depths of 12m. Tanker berth.
Pier No 2: 860m of berthing space, depths of 12m. Floating Dock.
Pier No 3: 1000m of berthing space, depths 10 – 12m alongside.
Spanish Quay: 530m of berthing space and Ro-Ro berth.
Karamanli Mole: Oil and Gas berth on inner face. 9.4m alongside.
South side: The S shore of Inner Harbour is all quay space of various depths.
Berth Type | No of Berths | Length(m) | Depth(m) |
General Goods | 3442 | 10 | |
Dry Cargo | 1 | 168 | 12 |
Liquid Cargo | 1 | 188 | 10 |
Service Berths | 8 | 531 | 5 |
Passenger berths | 3 | 420 | 7.5 |
Container berths: Facilities are available for the handling of container traffic.
Tanker berth- Karamanli: Length 152m, max LOA 183m, max draught 8.3m. Petroleum products and pressurised LPG. Offshore CBM Berth: Approx 6nm E of the port. Vessels moor using both anchors and secure to mooring buoys, max LOA 195m, depth approx 16.0m, max draught 10.1m. Petroleum products. Facilities: 2 x 300tph conveyors, 4 lattice boom cranes, 3 telescopic boom cranes, 2 floating cranes, 5 container handling forklifts.
Storage: There is 30,000m2 of warehousing and 208,000m2 of open storage available.
Repairs: Available.
Bunkers/water/stores: Fresh water: Available by barge.
Bunkering: Available alongside and barge.
Medical facilities: Medical facilities are available.
Nearest airport: Tripoli International Airport (32km Public holidays: Mar 8, May 25, Jun 11, Jul 23, Sep 1 and Oct 7.
Variable dates: El Mouloud El Nabawi, Aid el Fitr, Aid el Adha.
Working hours: Normally 0800-1200hrs and 1300-1700hrs. Overtime 2000-2400hrs and 0100-0700hrs.
Developments: A new outer harbour is to be built, which will provide over 4,000m of quayage, depth alongside 12.0m
Port Description
Location: Benghazi is situated on the NE coast of the Gulf of Sidra.
General overview: It is large commercial port serving the surrounding region, equipped to handle tankers, container, Ro-Ro and general cargo vessels. Main exports include sheep, wool, hides, goat, hair fabrics and woollen rugs. Imports include foodstuffs, tobacco, textiles, pottery and chemical products.
Traffic figures: Approximately 245 vessels visit the port annually.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: Max LOA 229m and draft 8.5m
Pre Arrival Information
ETA’s: Notice of ETA should be sent 48 and 24 hours prior to arrival.
Communications: Radio: VHF: Benghazi Port Radio, Ch 16; 12. General notices & regulations: The following are extracts from the harbour regulations: All power driven vessels berthed either alongside or end on at Rasif Giuliana, Cathedral mole or Italia mole are to have power available during harbour working hours. It is forbidden to discharge overboard, either in the harbour or in the roadstead, any burning material, ashes or rubbish of any kind. The loading and discharging of inflammable material and explosives must be carried out in accordance with the directions of the Harbour Master. Vessels arriving with a dangerous cargo on board must anchor in the roadstead; the port authorities will instruct them where to berth. Vessels which burn fuel oil must clean their bilges before arriving in the roadstead or the harbour. Fuel oil must not be embarked without permission from the Harbour Master.
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: There are 2 approaches as follows: Approaching from SW: Keep from 2-3nm offshore, to avoid the rocky shoals which lie SW of the port. Approaching from N: Make for the land NE of the port, especially in thick weather or with an offshore wind, as there are better landmarks here than SW, and there are no dangers lying more than 2.5nm offshore. A lightbuoy (safe water) is moored 4nm WSW of Benghazi light structure (32°07.4’N 020°03.7’E). The white sector (064.75°-067.25°) of a direction light, situated 1nm WSW of the same light structure, leads past the lightbuoy and through the Middle Harbour entrance between the N extremity of W breakwater and N breakwater. Lights are exhibited from each side of the entrance. The entrance channel has been dredged to 13.5m and the harbour to 10.3m, except the approaches and alongside the tanker berth, just inside the W breakwater, which are dredged to 12.5m. Outer Harbour: For vessels proceeding to the Outer Harbour attention is drawn to a submerged spit , with a depth of 1.3m, at the S end of the entrance, extending 0.75nm from the shore at Ras Bu Sceiba.
Pilot: Compulsory and available between 0700-2000hrs. Pilot boards vessels approximately 0.5nm off the harbour entrance but inside the breakwater in bad weather.
Anchorages: Anchorage may be obtained in the roads, W and N of the port, but strong W winds cause a very heavy sea which renders the anchorage dangerous; during the winter it is seldom tenable. An obstruction lies 2.5nm W of Ra’s Sidi Khuraybish. The anchorage area for vessels awaiting a berth lies between the parallels of 32°07’N and 32°11’N and between the meridians 019°56’E and 019°59.2’E. All vessels must anchor as instructed by the port authority, and must not shift berth except on the instruction of the port authority.
Prohibited anchorage: Anchoring and fishing are prohibited within an area, shown on the chart, surrounding a submarine cable which comes ashore 3.5nm S of the N Breakwater head (32°07.0 N 020°01.8 E).
Tidal range and flow: During February, March and April, especially during N and NE winds, the water level is very low, falling about 0.6m below MSL. During June, July and August, especially with W and SW winds, the water level rises about 0.4m above MSL.
Currents: Off Benghazi the current is usually S going.
Dock density: 1026.
Weather: Prevailing winds : N’ly.
Principal navigation aids: Benghazi Light (brown water tower, 22m in height), standing in a cemetery. A disused lighthouse (white masonry tower, 33m in height) (0.1nm NW). Minaret (33m in height) (0.2nm SSW). Signal station (disused) 0.55nm SW), with a prominent mast (34m in height). Cathedral (0.7nm SSW; a rectangular building surmounted by twin domes.
Charts: 3352. Admiralty Pilot NP49, NP286(3)
Tugs: Available.
Berths And Cargo
There are a total of 12 general and dry cargo berths with depths 9 -11m and 2 service berths of depth 5m. Names/Nos
Name | Length(m) | Draught(m) |
Inner Harbour | ||
Rasif Libya 1 | 46 | 4.8 |
Rasif Libya 2 | 137 | 4.8 |
Rasif Libya 3 | 128 | 4.8 |
Rasif Juliana | 183 | 3.1 |
Outer Harbour | ||
No1 | 320 | 8.2 |
No2 | 290 | 8.2 |
No3 | 168 | 8.2 |
Pontoon Berths: Formed by 3 steel pontoons and used by small charge cargoes directly into trucks for delivery to consignee. Max LOA 60m, draught 4.3m. In addition 3 buoy berths are available where vessels work cargo using lighters, during summer months.
Container berths: Containers are worked alongside the general berths.
Tanker berths: There are 3 berths used for tankers.
Rasif Juliana: Buoy berth at the N end, up to LOA 107m, draft 7.3m. Outer Harbour Quay: LOA 229m, draught up to 7.3m. Middle Harbour: Asseil Berth Max LOA 171m, draught 7.3m. Products.
Ro-Ro berths: Ro-Ro vessels can be accommodated.
Facilities: There are 2 floating cranes available capable of lifting 80t. Several mobile cranes of 30t capacity are also available.
Storage: There are 8 transit sheds which provide 17,500m2 of covered storage. Ample open storage area available.
Barges: Lighters available to work cargo though from Oct until the end of April. No lighterage work in the roadstead is possible due to the heavy swell that occurs.
Repairs: A maintenance berth and floating dock are available in the Inner Harbour.
Bunkers/water/stores: Fresh water: Available.
Bunkering: Limited quantities are available.
Medical facilities: Medical facilities are available in the town.
Transport: Nearest airport: Benina 29km.
Public holidays: Mar 8, May 25, Jun 11, Jul 23, Sep 1, Oct 7, El Mouled Eli Nabawi, Aid el Fitr, Aid el Adha, Higri New Year. Friday is a weekly port holiday, work being performed but at overtime rates.
Working hours: Normally 0800-1200hrs and 1300-1700hrs. Overtime 2000-2400hrs, 0100-0700hrs.
Developments: Extensive developments are taking place, with an additional 3,000m of quay to be provided, as well as the necessary back-up facilities.
Port Description
Location: Qasr Ahmed (Misurata Port) is situated approx 250km E of Tripoli.
Traffic figures: Approximately 290 vessels visit the port annually.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: Tankers up to 30,000dwt, draught 11m can be accommodated.
General overview: Qasr Ahmed is a commercial port serving the town of Misurata and the industrial area close S which includes a steelworks and a power station. It has facilities for handling dry bulk, petroleum, Ro-Ro, container and general cargoes. The main cargoes handled include iron ore, grain, construction materials, livestock, machinery and petroleum products. All berths are well fendered with adequate mooring facilities.

Pre Arrival Information
ETA’s: Vessels should send ETA 12 hours prior to arrival.
Communications: VHF: “Tarabulus Radio” callsign “5AT” on Ch 16.
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: The main harbour is formed by two breakwaters enclosing the harbour area. The N breakwater extends 0.7nm E from ras al Barq and the broad E breakwater extends 1nm N from the shore. The entrance is approx 180m wide. From a position about 1nm E of the entrance the alignment of the leading lights 270°: Front light; white triangle point up, red band (32°22.3’N 015°12.7’E), Rear light; white triangle point down, red band, (500m from front light) leads into the harbour through the centre of the channel.
Approach and entry: The port is approached through the Approach Reporting Point (32°34 N 015°16 E) and entered through dredged channels of 13m, on the alignment of leading lights. For details of Approach Reporting Points see General Marine Information.
Pilot: Compulsory, the pilot boarding position is approximately 1nm off the harbour entrance. Pilots are available from 0800-2000hrs, except on Friday. The pilot boat is grey with white upperworks.
Anchorages: The anchorage area for vessels awaiting a berth is within 1.5nm of 32°23’N 015°18’E, approx 5nm ENE of Ras al Barq Light in charted depths of 25-37m. The holding ground is poor and it is therefore advisable to leave the anchorage at the first sign of the approach of bad weather. Prohibited anchorage: Anchorage is prohibited within 2nm of the harbour. Tidal range and flow: Range 0.5m.
Dock density: 1026.
Weather: Prevailing winds: N’ly.
Principal navigation aids: Landmarks: (Positioned from Ras al Barg Light): Ras al Barg Light (white metal framework tower on square tower, black stripes, 8m in height) (32°22.2 N 015°12.7 E)). Three chimneys (red lights) (2.5nm SSE. Charts: BA 3402. Admiralty Pilot NP49, NP286(3). Tugs: There are 5 tugs up to 2,400hp available.
Berths And Cargo
Names/Nos: General cargo/Bulk berths: In the south part of the harbour is about 3000m of berth space, in two basins, with a least depth of 11m alongside.
Berth Type | No of Berths | Length(m) | Depth(m) |
General Goods | 16 | 1920 | 11 |
Dry Cargo | 1 | 184 | 11 |
Service Berths | 5 | 250 | 5 |
Container Berths | 4 | 736 | 11 |
Ro-Ro Berths | 2 | 400 | 11 |
Ro-Ro berths: There are 2 berths in the S port area used for Ro-Ro traffic. The berths are 200m in length, with a depth alongside of 11.0m.
Tanker berth: A ‘T’ shaped pier, in the NW corner of the harbour with a depth of 12m alongside, used for discharging oil products.
Steelworks harbour: There is a bulk berth on the inside of the N breakwater with a length of 350m and a reported depth of 15m.
Facilities: 1 x 300tph conveyor system. 9 x 120tph conveyors. 4 lattice boom cranes, 2 telescopic boom cranes and 5 container handling fork lifts. 1 floating crane.
Storage: There is 24,400m2 of covered storage and 444,500m2 of open storage area available. The grain berth is provided with a silo of capacity 40,000t.
Repairs: Minor repairs may be undertaken.
Bunkers/water/stores: Fresh water: Available via 2 water barges.
Medical facilities: Medical facilities are available.
Transport: Nearest airport: Tripoli International Airport (250km).
Public holidays: Mar 8, May 25, Jun 11, Jul 23, Sep 1 and Oct 7.
Variable dates: El Mouled el Nabawi, Aid el Fitr, Aid el Adha & Higri New Year. Fri is a weekly port holiday. Working hours: Normally 0800-1200hrs and 1300-1700hrs. Overtime 2000-2400hrs and 0100-0700hrs.
Port Description
Location: Tobruk is situated in eastern Libya, near the Egyptian border.
General overview: The port handles mainly general cargo and crude oil The oil terminal of Marsa al Hariga has two jetties on the S shore of the bay .
Traffic figures: Approximately 120 ships visit the port annually.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: Harbour: draught 8.3m.
Marsa El Hariga: Max LOA 335m, draught 18.2m. (See separate entry).

Pre Arrival Information
ETA’s: Vessels should send ETA at least 72 hours in advance.
Communications: Via Tobruk radio (callsign “5AL) VHF: Ch 16; 09, 12 and 19 throughout 24 hours.
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: Approach and Entry: The port is approached through the Approach Reporting Point, shown on the chart, and entered between Punta Tobruch and the E entrance point of Marsa Umm esc-Sciausc, an inlet 1.25nm SSE. Leading lights and leading beacons aid entry. For details of Approach Reporting Points see General Marine Information.
Caution: The leading beacons may be difficult to distinguish; a small stone hut painted black and white in chequers, but not conspicuous, stands at an elevation of 82m, 0.7nm SW of the front beacon, in line with which it bears 225°.
Pilot: Compulsory. The pilot boards at the Outer Lightbuoy (1nm SE of Punta) Tobruch Light (32°04.4N 024°01.2E).
Anchorages: The outer anchorage area is for vessels awaiting a berth. It lies between the parallels of 32°03.7’N and 32°05.5’N, and between the meridians of 024°02’E and 024°03’E. The anchorage has depths of about 14.6 to 23.8m, sand and weed. The inner anchorage is at the bottom of Mina Tubruq and is sandy with patches of weed. This makes anchors liable to drag. The anchorage area W of a line joining Tobruk point and Minqar al Hariqah (1nm SW) is clear of obstructions, but debris projecting up to 0.6m from the bottom still exists in places. The best anchorage for large vessels is approximately 0.9nm WSW of Tobruk point, in a depth of approximately 15m, sand and weed, fairly good holding ground, but with strong E winds a heavy swell is experienced. Small vessels anchor nearer the head of the harbour. All vessels must anchor as instructed by the port authority, and must not shift berth except on the instruction of the port authority.
Tidal range and flow: Range 0.3m.
Dock density: 1025.
Berths And Cargo
Names/Nos: General goods: Length 600m, depth 5-7.0m, 6 berths.
Liquid cargo: Length 250m, depth 9.0m, 2 berths.
Service Berths: Length 240m, depth 4.0m, 5 berths.
Marsa Al Hariga Oil Terminal: Jetty Agoco.
Length 800m, max LOA 335m, depth 18.3m.
Loading Sarir Crude, API 37.6, by 4 x 12in arms, rate 8,000tph. Ballast, slop and sludge disposal available.
Storage: Covered storage 3,600m2, open storage 9,000m2
Repairs: Limited facilities.
Bunkers/water/stores: Bunkering: Limited quantities of fuel and diesel oil available.
Medical facilities: There is a hospital in the town.
Transport: Nearest airport: El Adem 26km S.
Public holidays: Mar 8, May 25, Jun 11, Jul 23, Sep 1, Oct 7. El Mouled El Nabawi, Aid el Fitr, Aid el Adha. Fridays are weekly port holidays.
Working hours: Normally 0800-1700.
Port Description
Location: Marsa al Hariga is situated 1nm SSW of Tobruk Point.
General overview: The oil terminal consists of 2 jetty berths.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: Largest vessel handled: Max LOA 335m; max draft 18.2m.

Pre Arrival Information
ETA’s: Vessels ETA should be sent 72 hours prior to arrival, to the agent and terminal. The message should include the vessel details, owners name, loading rate and quantity of ballast.
Communications: VHF: Via Tobruk Radio callsign “5AL”. The Terminal Office keeps a constant listening watch on Ch 16.
Pilot : Compulsory, carried out by Mooring Master employed by the oil company. Pilot will board vessel from a tug, 1nm NE of the outer buoy. Helicopter pilotage arrangements are not possible.
Tidal range and flow: Range 0.6m. The tidal level is practically constant and currents within the harbour are slight.
Dock density: 1026.
Weather: Prevailing winds: N’ly.
Charts: BA 3355, 3657. Admiralty Pilot NP49.
Restrictions: Deep draft vessels should avoid navigation NW of the leading line from Marsa to Esc-Sciausc, due to the presence of shoal water off Tobruk Point. Berthing is restricted to a max wind force of 22kn and swell up to 0.9m.
Tugs: There are 5 tugs available from Tobruk.
Berths And Cargo
Names/Nos Tanker berths: The “T”-shaped jetty is 800m in length and connected to the shore by a 200m arm. Two berthing faces of 30m each are provided, depth alongside 18.3m. Loading takes place on each berth through 4 x 16in Woodfield loading arms at a rate of 8,000tph.
No 1 Jetty: Max LA 290m, 152,000DWT and draught 17.0m. Loading crude oil.
No 2 Jetty: Max LOA 290m, 132,000DWT, draught 15.8m. Loading crude oil.
Brega Jetty : A product jetty situated W of Marsa al Hariga Jetty No 2. The jetty can accommodate tankers up to 35,000dwt, LOA 190m draft 9.1m.
Ballast/slop reception: There are ballast facilities available, slops are not accepted.
Bunkers/water/stores: Available at Tobruk Port and Brega Jetty.
Medical facilities: Available.
Transport: Nearest
airport: Naser, 20km.
Working hours: Throughout 24 hours.
Surveyors: Available from Benghazi.
Port Description
Location: Marsa el Brega is situated in the S of the Gulf of Sidra.
General overview: The port is primarily an offshore oil terminal. There are alongside berths for other traffic.
Traffic figures: Approximately 300 vessels visit the port annually.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: LOA 355m, 305,000dwt, 56m beam and 22.25m draft.
Sealines: Max 300,000DWT; draught and LOA unrestricted.

Pre Arrival Information
ETA’s: Vessels should send their ETA to Sirte Oil Co the Port Authority, 72, 48 and 24 hours prior to arrival. Communications: VHF: Ch 16; 06, 09, 12, 13. Throughout 24 hours. No radio telephony or wireless telegraphy allowed in Libyan territorial waters.
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: Marsa el Brega lies between Khashm Aritu, 30°26’N 019°38’E, and another point 3nm SW, in an open bay situated in the SE corner of the Gulf of Sirte, about 100nm SSW of Banghazi.
Approach and Entry: The port is approached through the Approach Reporting Point and the harbour is entered on the alignment of leading lights. For details of Approach Reporting Points see General Marine Information.
Pilot: Compulsory. Pilot usually boards near the Brega Buoy (30°27.6N 019°35.1E).
Anchorages: The designated anchorage is a 3nm diameter circle, as shown on the chart, about 6.5nm N from the harbour entrance; depths are from 20m to more than 70m. Ships may anchor only in the anchorage areas shown on the charts. All vessels must anchor as instructed by the Port Authority, and must not shift berth except on the instruction of the Port Authority.
Tidal range and flow: Range 0.5m.
Dock density: 1025.
Weather: Prevailing
Winds: N’ly.
Principal navigation aids: Landmarks: Positioned from the radar tower (30°25.0 N 019°34.9 E). Radar tower (elevation 36nm, red light). Water tank (red) (0.6nm SW). A ruined fort stands close NW. Radio mast (red lights) (0.7nm S). Four flare towers (red lights) (1nm SE). The flares, when burning, can be seen from a great distance. Major lights: Marsa al Burayqah West Breakwater Light (black structure) (30°25.1 N 19°35.4 E). Marsa al Burayqah East Breakwater Light (30°25.0 N 019°35.7 E) (Charts: BA 3350, 3354. Admiralty Pilot NP49, NP286(3
Restrictions: Before the vessel’s first visit to the terminal, Sirte Oil Company, Libya must be informed of the followingName and flag of the vessel Principal dimensions Tonnage and types of cargo abroad Number and size of port side connections and distance from the bow SWL of derricks Number of shackles of cable
Tugs: There are 2 tugs, 2,400hp each available
Berths And Cargo
Names/Nos: General cargo/Bulk berths: W side: Dry cargo berth, length 150m; draught 7.9m.
E side: Urea jetty, length 200m; draught 8.8m.
Cargo jetty: Length 200m; draught 9.2m; max 15,000DWT.
Ro-Ro berths: Ro-Ro vessels berth alongside the jetty, or stern on to the dry cargo jetty.
Tanker berths: There are 3 sealine berths, a product tanker quay, a liquefied gas quay, an acid quay and 2 jetties for ammonia and methanol.. Sea-line berths
Berth No 2: CBM for vessels up to max LOA 243m, 55,000DWT; draught 12.8m. Vessels anchor heading NNW using both anchors, the stern being secured to 5 mooring buoys in 13.4m of water. 1 x 12in hose loading Naphtha at rate 3,300tph.
Berth No 5: SPM for vessels up to 300,000DWT, draught unrestricted. Vessels moor at the bow in 40m of water. Loading Crude Oil is via 16in hose, loading rate of 7,600tph.
Berth No 6: SBM for vessels up to 300,000DWT, draught unrestricted. Vessels moor to the bow in 40m of water. Loading Crude Oil is via 16in hose, loading rate 7,600tph.
Gas Quay Docks A and B: Length 320m, max LOA 220m, max draft 10.0m. Used for LPG and LNG carriers. South Acid Quay: A small berth is available for handling sulphuric acid.
West Side : Jetties 1 and 2: Length 334m, max LOA 175m, depth 13.7m, max draught 10.5m, 30,000DWT. Used for loading methanol and ammonia, and discharging acids and caustics.
Medical facilities: Limited medical facilities are available.
Transport: Nearest
Airport: Private airfield (5km)
Working hours: Throughout 24 hours.
Port Description
Location: Zueitina is situated approx 130km S of Benghazi.
General overview: Zueitina consists of offshore loading berths for oil tankers and LPG carriers. The main cargoes handled are crude oil, naphtha, butane and propane.The LPG berth, because of it’s location, experiences different weather conditions and may be closed due to swell conditions when the crude berths are open.
Traffic figures: Approx 270 vessels are handled annually.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: LPG carriers LOA 214m, draught 8.7m and oil tankers up to draught 20m, 275,000DWT can be accommodated.

Pre Arrival Information
ETA’s: Vessels ETA must be advised 72, 48 and 24 hours prior to arrival to “Zueitina Oil Company”, for the attention of the Operations Manager and the Terminal Superintendent, Telex: +901 20130 ZUELY. Vessels must provide the following information through their agents to the authorities with their ETA, on entering Libyan waters:-
- Point of entry
- Colour of hull
- Superstructure colour
- Course
- Speed
- ETA at port
- Name of port
- Nationality of crew
- Ship’s flag
- Details of quality and cargo grade to be loaded
Documentation required: Documents required include a Standard Crew List, Stores Lists and Declarations. It is most important that the last Certificate of Discharge is on board.
Communications: VHF: Ch 13 and 16, callsign “Zueitina Marine”. LPG control room monitors Ch 12. Once VHF contact has been established, this should be maintained until out of range.
Health regulations: Standard health regulations apply. If, for emergency reasons, a sick person has to be landed, the following information should be passed on as soon as possible:-
Full name
Passport number
Customs and immigration: Vessels are advised to be sure that no alcohol is out of the bond and that there are no goods from Israel on the vessel.
Flags: The courtesy flag and the ship’s national flag must be conspicuously displayed.
Notices of readiness: NOR is given during hours of daylight and when cargo is ready, if the port is open and is within lay days. Also when ships are nominated and loading instructions have been received.
General notices & regulations: Lifeboats should not be worked in the harbour or anchorage area.
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: Approach and entry: From the Approach Reporting Point (32°43 N, 019°06 E) the direct track leads SSE for about 117nm to the pilot boarding place near Fairway Lightbuoy or the large vessel anchorage. However, vessels must keep clear of the Firing Danger Area, shown on the chart, centred 50nm NW of Zueitina. The chart is sufficient guide.
From a position in the vicinity of the Fairway Lightbuoy the approach to the LPG Berth is made on the alignment (135°) of the leading lights.
Pilot: Compulsory. The Mooring Master boards vessels near the Fairway buoy or within the anchorage area, centred on position 30°55.0’N 020°01.1’E and remains on board throughout the loading operation.
Anchorages: As advised by the Marine Office. Vessels awaiting a berth, anchor approx 1nm SE of the fairway buoy in depths of approx 30m. Holding ground is moderate to poor. During the winter strong NW’ly gales may set up heavy seas and swells, which may make the berths untenable. Prohibited anchorage is in the approaches to the oil loading berths and vessels should not anchor S of Lat 30°54’N.
Tidal range and flow: Range 0.3m.
Dock density: 1026.
Weather: Prevailing winds: N’ly. Squalls with wind speeds of 40kts are reported to occur without warning.
Principal navigation aids: Zueitina oil terminal navigation buoy (Red and white stripes with spherical day mark (30°56’N 020°00’E). Light Fl (Mo”Z”) W 10s. A DF radio station with a range of 100nm, working on 369kHz is available.
Charts: BA 3346, 3402. Admiralty Pilot NP49.
Tugs : There is 1 x 4,600hp tug available. Also mooring launches can assist with berthing.
Mooring information: Ships advised on berthing requirements prior to arrival on VHF Ch 13.
Berths And Cargo
Names/Nos: There is a small craft harbour situated inside the Tre Scogli reef.
Tanker berths: There are 5 offshore crude oil loading berths, one closed and another reported to be closed temporarily. All berths are connected by hoses on the port side of the vessel. Berth
Notes Alpha SPM closed, now marked by navigational buoy Fl (Mo “A”) W 5s Bravo CBM situated approx 2.5nm offshore in depths of approx 20m, max draught 18.2m. Vessels moor heading approx 313°, using both anchors forward and mooring to 5 buoys aft (vessels require a min of 12 shackles on each anchor). Loading takes place through a submarine pipeline (42in diameter) and 2 x 12in hoses. Loading rate 5,700tph crude each. Charlie SPM approx 3nm offshore in depths of approx 30m, max draught 20m, 275,000DWT. Served by a 48in CALM submarine pipeline and 1 x 12in hose, loading rate 5,080tph crude. Delta CBM situated approx 2.5nm offshore in depths of approx 20m, max draught 18.2m, 110,000DWT. Vessels moor, heading approx 313° using both anchors forward and mooring to 5 buoys aft (vessels require a min of 11 shackles on each anchor). Served by a 42in submarine pipeline with loading taking place through 1 x 12in hose. Loading rate 3,180tph. Dedicated “Naphtha” berth. Echo SPM situated approx 3nm offshore in depths of approx 25m, max 150,000DWT. Served by a 42in CALM submarine pipeline, loading taking place through 1 x 12in hose. Loading rate 5,80tph. Temporarily closed, header marked by navigational buoy Fl (Mo “E”) W 5secs.
LPG Terminal: Situated inside the Tre Scogli reef, SSW of the small craft harbour. The berth consists of a trestle projecting from the end of the small craft harbour sea wall, at the end of which is a loading platform with a breasting dolphin on each side. There are 6 mooring dolphins provided, vessels berth starboard side to, using the port anchor. Vessels up to LOA 214m and max draught 8.7m can be accommodated having a cargo capacity of approx 32,000m3. Loading takes place through a single loading line at a rate of around 1,100tph.
Barges: There are no barges available.
Ballast/slop reception: All ships must have clean ballast, only SBT ballast is permitted.
Security: Security is generally good.
Safety: A ship to shore safety check list is to be completed before cargo operations, also vessels are required to be able to move off a berth under ships power in the event of an emergency or when required.
Repairs: There are no repair facilities available.
Docking facilities: No docking facilities available.
Bunkers/water/stores: Bunkering: Not available.
Stores: Available but in limited quantities.
Medical facilities: Only emergency medical facilities are available.
Transport: Nearest airport: Benghazi.
Crew change: Crew change is not recommended.
Consuls: All Consular business at Tripoli.
Banks: There are no banks available.
Public holidays: Leilat al Meiraj, Eid al Fitr, British Evacuation Day, Eid al Adha, Islamic New Year, Evacuation Day, Ashoura, Mouloud, Revolution Day, Evacuation Day and Leilat al Meiraj.
Working hours: Throughout 24 hours.
Surveyors: Cargo surveyors available, though prior notice is required.
Recreation: There are no facilities available.
Garbage: All garbage must be kept on board.
Officials and visitors: No person is allowed on board the ship without being cleared by customs and immigration first.
Fumigation: Not available.
Pollution: Liable to heavy fines and delays.
Port Description
Location: Ras Lanuf is a point on the N Coast of Africa in the Gulf of Sidra.
General overview: Ras Lanuf (Sirtica Terminal) is an offshore oil export terminal, consisting of 2 conventional buoy berths (CBM’s) and 2 SPM’s. The port of Ras Lanuf (Rasco Harbour) is under separate entry.
Traffic figures: Approx 480 vessels are handled annually by combined port areas.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: Max LOA 335m, max draught 22m, 300,000DWT.

Pre Arrival Information
ETA’s: ETA should be sent to Veba Oil Operations via Telex: +901 20260 or 20892LY, 72 hours, 48 hours, 24 hours and 12 hours prior to arrival or at any time a change of one hour in original ETA occurs. Vessel should contact Ras Lanuf Oil Control via VHF Ch 16 and advise exact ETA, 4 hours prior to arrival. All messages should specify whether ETA is given in GMT or local time. Libyan time is GMT +2 hours.
The first message given should include the following:-
Last port of call
If any sickness on board
If vessel has clean Bill of Health Cargo quantity and grades expected to be lifted in net barrels at 60°F or long tons That the last discharge certificate covering the last Libyan cargo is onboard, properly completed and whether this cargo was discharged at the port indicated on the discharge certificate. The 12 hour message should include definite indications as to whether or not vessel is ready to load Tankships should have the following ready:-
Windlass, port and starboard bow anchors
After mooring, winches and or capstans; a min of 8 good manila or synthetic lines of 220m in length each with suitable stoppers; chain stoppers for 5in circumference shore preventer wires Hose lifting winch, derrick and gear, including bolts, spanners and wrenches for connecting hoses.
Communications: VHF: Ras Lanuf Oil Control Centre keeps continuous watch on Ch 16, 14 and 11. Vessels approaching the terminal should make contact on Ch 16, 3-4 hours prior to arrival. Upon contact the vessel will be requested to switch to Ch 14 or 11. This channel will also be used by Terminal Marine Section for internal use and tanker mooring control. Ch 11 is reserved for communications between ships in mooring and Terminal Oil Movements Control Centre and should only be used for general purposes after obtaining clearance from oil movements control on Ch 16. This is a safety measure, since oil flow to ships is controlled through Ch 11 and therefore it must be clear at all times in case of the need to stop oil flow for any reason. Ch 16 is for calling and safety use only. In case of failure of radio and/or radio telephone communications, daylight lamp signalling may be used with the control centre of the terminal administration building located on top of the ridge WSW of Ras Lanuf. Company Mooring Master will have sole control of radio communications during the period a vessel is manoeuvring or moored in a berth. No radio transmissions will be permitted on board ship except by the express permission of the Mooring Master. Only the Mooring Master may transmit on Ch 11 and 14, during the period he is on board. He will have a VHF Radio Telephone.
Health regulations: The vessel should have a clean Bill of Health or equivalent document from the last port of call. The vessel’s Master and all members of the crew should possess International Certificates of Health showing a valid Smallpox Vaccination Certificate. Customs and immigration: Libyan Customs and Immigration Officials will board the vessel as soon as possible after arrival to give inward clearance and pratique services. Libyan Government Regulations are strictly enforced. Cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, matches, spirits, wines, beers, perfume, arms, ammunition, saccharin and possibly other items have to be locked up under Customs seal, from time of vessels arrival until time of leaving territorial waters. Each person is allowed 25 cigarettes per day of stay, or 25gm of tobacco or cigars in lieu thereof Customs will require the following:-
Document | Copies |
Crew List | 4 |
Crew Declaration of personal belongings (including cigarettes, etc) | 1 |
Stores List | 2 |
Passenger List | 1 |
Crew Lists and Crew Declaration of personal belongings must be on the approved Libyan Government documents. Vessels are advised on their initial visit to the terminal to obtain sufficient forms for future visits. The following are also required:-
Document | Copies |
Cargo Manifests for Ras Lanuf discharge | 6 |
Cargo Manifest for transit cargo with a summary | 1 |
Passenger Manifest | 1 |
Clearance from the last port of call will be required by the Government Authorities. According to the Libyan “Boycott of Israel” Law, it is considered to be a violation for any vessel calling at Libyan terminals or ports to have on board any item whatsoever of Israeli origin regardless of the country from which it was actually obtained. This law is strictly enforced and the min penalties will probably include a fine and confiscation of all such items.
Flags: During loading or unloading the international code flag “B” shall be displayed in accordance with the International Code Signal agreement. Notices of readiness: Insufficient or inaccurate ETA messages may alter the order of berthing of ships to the advantage of those ships giving sufficient and accurate ETA messages. Acceptance of NOR will also be affected by such insufficiency or inaccuracy. No ballast will be allowed to be discharged from any tank that oil is to be loaded into. Only completely segregated ballast will be allowed to be discharged. Any vessel rejected due to dirty ballast or for causing sea pollution will automatically nullify its NOR and will lose any priority of position for loading. The company will make every effort to load vessels upon arrival or as soon as a berth is available, if weather conditions permit. NOR will not be accepted at time of arrival unless the vessel is in all respects ready to load. Arrival time will be taken as the time Pilot/Mooring Master boards if the vessel is berthing on arrival, or the anchorage time, not EOP time. General notices & regulations: The most essential requirements to be met by tankers lifting oil at the Sirtica Terminal, Ras Lanuf, Libya are as follows:-
No dirty ballast, (refer to information in section Ballast/slop reception)
By Libyan law, no stores, foodstuffs or goods whatsoever of Israeli origin may be on board any ship calling at Ras Lanuf. Penalties: Fine, confiscation of goods and possibly more, the Libyan Government strictly
enforces this law. Inert Gas: All vessels shall have their cargo tanks in the inerted condition prior to berthing. The berthing pilot shall check the contents of the tanks using ship’s equipment. If the oxygen
content of the tank exceeds 8% by volume, the vessel shall not be berthed until the oxygen content of all tanks reaches the requirements. Age of vessels: Any vessel over 20 years of age may, in accordance with Libyan Maritime Law, be rejected.
Berthing: Tenders by vessels to load crude oil cargo will be normally accepted and berths assigned to vessels in chronological order of arrival provided such vessels have current nomination for cargo valid at the time of tender, carry clean ballast, if any, and have cargo tanks in a fit condition to receive cargo. Also they must be in all respects properly equipped and ready to moor. Should berthing be delayed on account of bad weather, vessels will keep their position in line unless terminal storage warrants bringing in larger ships first, to bring storage tanks back to a safe level. Vessels required to leave the area due to bad weather should keep in contact with the terminal via the company, on VHF Ch 16, in order that they may be available to resume terminal operations, when the weather is fit. The Company reserves the right to load vessels out of turn following the return of good weather, to the extent that such loading out of turn does not materially delay the loading of other vessels in line. Further the Company reserves the right to decline to moor a specific vessel if its condition or facilities are unsafe for mooring or loading even hough the terminal may be open to other vessels. The Company Marine Superintendent’s decision on the above will be final.
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: The port is approached through the Approach Reporting Point. The mooring area has been swept to a depth of 22.8m in Berths No 1 and 2 and 29.3m in Berths No 3 and 4. A suggested anchorage area is within 914m radius of 30°33.4’N 018°36.3’E in approx 27.4m of water.
Pilot: Compulsory. Pilot is provided by the oil company who remains with the vessel during the whole port turn-around. Mooring Masters will meet ships in vicinity of the sea buoy, if under way, or in the anchorage area (30°33.4’N 18°35.4’E) NW of the terminal, if at anchor.
Anchorages: The anchorage area is 0.5nm radius centred on position 30°33.4’N 018° 35.4’E.
Tidal range and flow: Tides are minimal, the largest observed in recent years being approx 45cm but more commonly 25cm. Currents are not predictable but appear to be greatly influenced by wind direction. Currents vary in strength from 1-3kn and persist for 12 to 24 hours after the wind ceases.
Currents: Currents, which appear to be mainly wind generated, vary from 1-3kts and continue for 12-24 hours after the wind has ceased.
Dock density: 1027.
Weather: Prevailing winds: NW’ly to NE’ly. Local winds known as “ghiblis” of up to 45kn from SE to SW are frequent throughout much of the year. Visibility is reduced on these occasions by sand haze. Winds of up to 70kn have been recorded in the vicinity of the terminal in recent years. Winds in the area are generally unpredictable in direction or force and precautions are necessary to avoid difficulties.
Principal navigation aids: A radio beacon with station identification “VR” transmitting on 385kHz is located in approx 30°30’N 018°31.8’E. This beacon was installed primarily for use of aircraft but has been clearly received by vessels at sea. A radio transmitter building with, immediately adjacent, one antennae tower 30.5m tall and painted from top to bottom in 4 x 7.6m width bands coloured red, white, red, white is located in position approx 30°31’N 018°30.5’E. The tower is surmounted by a fixed, red air warning light. Elevation of the building is 9.1m above sea level. The red light is 39.6m above sea level. This building is NW of the terminal buildings. A radio receiver building, with immediately adjacent two antennae towers, each 30.5m tall and painted from top to bottom in 4 x 7.6m width bands coloured red, white, red, white is located in position approx 30°30.0’N 018°33.2’E. Each tower is surmounted by a fixed red air warning light. Elevation of this building is 12.2m above sea level with the red lights 45.4m above sea level. This building is SE of the terminal. A terminal seabuoy, coloured white with white flashing light (Fl W 5s) is located in position approx 30°33.9’N 018°34.6’E. Vessels in the vicinity should not navigate or anchor inshore of a bearing 280° and 130° from this buoy. A Fairway Channel Entrance Buoy, (Fl W 2s) is located in a position, approx 30°30.8’N 018°37.7’E. A white spar buoy, with a 1m orange stripe, fitted with a radar reflector, is located in a position 30°32.2’N 018°33.4’E. This buoy marks the tie-in position between the old and new sea-line. There are a few coastal landmarks in this area. The following should prove helpful to visiting mariners:The terminal water tower with highest elevation of 54.5m above sea level is located in 30°30.7’N 018°32.4’E. It is coloured white. A white light (Gp Fl (2) 5s) is mounted on the seaward side of the structure at 49.7m above sea level. There is also a fixed red warning light on top of the tower. Large oil storage tanks with highest elevation 114.6m above sea level are located in approx 30°27.4’N 018°30’E, 10 tanks are coloured white and 3 tanks are black. There is 1 flare located in a position approx 30°29.4’N 018°34.3’E and another flare is located in a position approx 30°28.5’N 018°34.9’E.
Charts: BA 3343. Admiralty Pilot NP49.
Restrictions: Strict entry restrictions apply. Contact Oil Terminal before arrival.
Tugs: Launches assist with berthing and unberthing at the offshore berths.
Mooring information: A SPM method of securing to the buoy is as follows:
The ship approaches the buoy from downwind, taking care to keep the wind exactly ahead (adequate ballast to be retained on board to maintain manoeuvrability). A messenger line (preferably a ship’s mooring line) is led through a fairlead, large enough to permit the entry of a 96mm diameter chafing chain, on the bow down to the water’s edge clear of the ships bow. The terminal’s launch crew then make this fast to a 91.4m x 12in plaited polypropylene buoy approach rope and the ship is then hove steadily towards the buoy until the chafing chain lies across the fairlead. The chafing chain is secured using ship’s AKD type chain stopper The 2 x 16in hoses are then picked up on the port side. To unmoor from the buoy, the approach rope is taken to the windlass and the weight taken is then slacked into the water as the ship goes slowly astern from the buoy. The end is cast off and allowed to float free for the next vessel.
General berthing information: Turbine powered vessels when lying at the buoy must not turn their engines at more than 5rpm, preferably less, as this can cause the ship to ride up on the buoy and could cause considerable and expensive damage.
Berths And Cargo
Names/Nos: There are 4 submarine loading pipelines, which terminate at the following approx positions:-
Berth | Position |
NO 1 | CBM 30°31.6’N 018°34.6’E. Marked by an unlit spar buoy. The depth of water at spar buoy is 21.3m. Max LOA 290m, 130,000DWT |
NO 2 | CBM 30°31.9’N 018°33.9’E. Marked by an unlit spar buoy. The depth of water at spar buoy is 21.3m. Max 130,000DWT |
NO 3 | SPM buoy, 30°32.9’N 018°34.7’E. Marked by a light, (Fl W 5s). The depth of water at SPM is 29.2m. Max 300,000DWT, 2 x 16in hoses |
NO 4 | SPM buoy, 30°31.8’N 018°36.1’E. Marked by a light, (Fl W 10s), the depth of water is 29.2m. Max 255,000DWT, 2 x 16in hoses |
There are 2 open roadstead conventional submarine loading berths available. These berths are of the seven point type and are designed to handle tankers from 19,000-130,000dwt at gravity loading rates of 60,000bbls/hr. Berths No 1 and 2 are equipped with two hoses having 12in ASA 150lbs flange connections. Berths are approx 1nm offshore. There are 2 SPM moorings designed to handle tankers to 255,000dwt in Berth No 4 and up to 300,000dwt in Berth No 3 are located 2nm offshore. The SPM’s are a large cylindrical buoys (weight 250t), divided by steel bulkheads into 4 water tight compartments, through the centre of which emerges the loading hose. Facilities: The perimeter of the buoy, to which the buoy-to-ship moorings are attached, is a turntable which revolves round the centre-hose supporting section in such manner that the vessel berthed on the buoy will always lie head to wind. On the surface extending from the buoy are two hose strings, each consisting of 3 x 30ft lengths of 20in hose and 25 x 30ft lengths of 16in hose (total 840ft ). The 16in hoses which are on board are fitted with 16in ASA flanges. Connecting the buoy to the 48in submarine loading line are 2 strings of 20in diameter hose. Each string consists of 5 x 30ft sections each. Ships loading manifolds should be prepared for 2 x 16in or 2 x 12in hose connections prior to ships arrival at the terminal. Where no cross-over valves exist on loading manifolds, it is recommended loops between loading lines on the starboard side of these manifolds be fitted. Vessels equipped with 8in hose connections at the loading manifold should arrive with such 8in hose connections removed, also if necessary with “Y” pieces removed so that max flow through 16in or 12in cargo hoses will not be reduced.
Cargo | Specifications of crude |
Gravity | 28°-45° API |
Sulphur | Less than 0.60% by weight |
BS &”W | One tenth of 1% or less by volume |
Salt | 25BBLor less per thousand barrels |
Metals | Not in excess of trace (100ppm) |
Viscosity | 30-250 SSU at 60°F |
Reid Vapour | Pressure 10psi or less at 100°F |
Flash Point | At ambient temperatures |
Pour point | 75°F or less |
Ballast/slop reception: Owners and Masters are invited to examine all International Convention Laws concerning pollution of the sea, having particular regard to the Mediterranean area. There are positively no facilities for disposal of dirty ballast. In addition, local terminal regulations state that only segregated and or permanent ballast will be allowed to be discharge. No ballast will be allowed to be discharged from any cargo tank. Ballast carried in any cargo tank will have to be retained on board. It is the Master’s responsibility to see that no oil of any kind is pumped or spilled overboard from his ship. This includes oil water from bilges, crude residual from previous voyages, and any other matter that may result in pollution of the sea. Any fines imposed shall be for ship’s account. As soon as practical after arrival, all vessel’s tanks will be inspected for oil in ballast and during discharge of ballast similar inspections will continue. If evidence of oil appears at any of these inspections, the ship will be rejected forthwith and will not be accepted until satisfactory evidence is produced that such ballast was disposed of in a proper manner. If during inspection or during progress of loading it is revealed that ship’s tanks are not tight or that oil is leaking from the ship, the ship will be rejected or refused further loading. Ship will not be accepted for loading unless satisfactory evidence duly certified by Lloyds or ABS surveyors or other recognised surveyors of repair is submitted. A vessel must have sufficient ballast for safe handling, having due regard to existing weather and sea conditions. Refer to MARPOL regulations on draught. Vessels equipped with a separate system of ballast tanks will be allowed to discharge ballast and load oil simultaneously, providing approval is first obtained from the Company Mooring Master.
Repairs: Not available.
Medical facilities: Emergency facilities available. Due to existence in these waters of the fish commonly known as the “weaver” fish, ships crews are urged to exercise extreme caution in fishing while lying off the port area. There have been several cases of poisoning by these fish, all of which were distressingly painful. The following information should emphasise the need for caution. There are two groups, the greater weaver fish and the lesser weaver fish. The Greater Weaver Fish (Trachinus Draco), may be up to 18in in length, rarely appears very close inshore. It haunts the Mediterranean and the coastal waters off Norway and Britain. The Lesser Weaver Fish (Trachinus Vipera), is 6in or less in length. It occurs in shallower waters of the Mediterranean, North Sea and European Littoral. Both are sand dwellers which burrow, with only eyes, snout and dorsal fin exposed, awaiting shrimps and other small prey. They are grey backed with a lighter under-side. In both species the dorsal fin is black, and may have from 5 to 7 spines associated with venom glands. The opercular spines are also envenomed. The toxin is neurotoxic and heamotoxic, resembling some snake venom. Weaver fish are dangerous to handle alive or dead; most wounds follow stepping on them or grasping them when handling during fishing or sorting a fishing catch.
Toxic effects: Contact with the dorsal fin spines causes a stabbing pain at the site of the puncture, gradually spreading through the affected limb. Pain reaches its peak in 30 min, may cause screaming, acute pain and unconsciousness. After 2-24 hours pain fades, leaving tingling and numbness. The surrounding tissue is first blanched then swollen and red, oedema persisting for 10 days or more. Secondary infection and gangrene are likely unless antisepsis is carried out. Systemic effects included headache, fever, rigors, delirium, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, dizziness and sweating. Cyanosis, mental sluggishness, convulsions and respiratory depression may follow.
Suggested treatment: No specific antidote is known, incise wound and apply suction. Hands or feet should be immersed in very hot water or magnesium sulphate solution repeatedly. Local antiseptics and warmth useful. Observation for 24 hours and symptomatic treatment if necessary. It is suggested that Masters post suitable notices throughout ships quarters before arriving at Ras Lanuf. This fish is edible and so great emphasis should be placed on dangers associated with its handling. Transport: Nearest airport: Benghazi International, Tripoli International, Ras Lanuf for charter flights. Airport facilities: For international flights Tripoli is recommended.
Crew change: Crew members cannot pay off or leave the vessel at Ras Lanuf except in cases of extreme emergency. Even in an emergency it should be noted that Seaman’s Books are not valid under the Libyan Law. A valid passport is required. All costs of repatriating personnel will be charged to the ship’s account.
Public holidays: None.
Working hours: Throughout 24 hours.
Surveyors: Cargo inspectors are nominated by cargo suppliers.
Recreation: There are no recreational facilities available.
Officials and visitors: Visitors to vessels must obtain a special pass from the Libyan Government Immigration Officer located at the terminal and from the Company Marine Superintendent. It is strongly recommended that visitors be restricted to a minimum due to hazards involved.
Fumigation: There are no fumigation facilities available.
Pollution: In addition to the lights usually displayed vessels in the mooring discharging ballast or loading cargo during darkness will brilliantly illuminate the seas around the ship so that any pollution will readily be noticeable.
Port Description
Location: Es Sider is situated on the Gulf of Sidra.
General overview: The offshore oil terminal consists of four berths, two conventional uoy berths and two SBM’s.
Traffic figures: Approx 200 vessels visit the port annually.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: LOA 355m, 305,000dwt, 56m beam and 22.25m draft.

Port Description
ETA’s: Vessel’s ETA should be sent directly via cable to Wahaoil Tripolilibya. Cables sent will be received directly by the Waha communications center in Tripoli and relayed to the terminal at Es Sider. Vessels with telex facilities on board should telex directly to Waha Oil Company on 20158 or 20758. Within 6 hours of clearing its last port of call, each tanker should provide the terminal with the
following information:
The name of the tank
Name of the port from which the tanker last
Vessel’s ETA
Summer dwt
Arrival draft
Length between perpendilulars
Within 72 hours of arrival the terminal should be notified of ETA and the name of tanker. Within 24 hours the same should be notified along with the quantity of cargo required, max draft on departure from Es Sider and deballast time before the vessel can commence loading.
Within 12 hours of arrival name of tanker and ETA should be notified and again 4 hours prior to arrival with precise estimated ETA. The Master should call “Es Sider Control” on VHF Ch 08 when at least 2 hour prior to arriving at the pilot boarding station.
Communications: VHF : Ch 16 and 08. Vessels are requested to refrain from the use of VHF Ch 08 as it is used for tanker loading communications.
Customs and immigration: Customs and Immigration requirements should be obtained from the vessels agent, who will provide forms and advise on documentation required.
Flags: Tankers should fly the “Q” flag on arrival by day and display a red light over a white light at night to indicate quarantine conditions.
Notices of readiness: Masters should particularly note that the following requirements are necessary before NOR can be tendered. The Master should have received the Mooring Master on board, or-1 2-The Master should have dropped anchor.
General notices & regulations: Prior to commencing loading, the Master should, in writing, provide the terminal with his exact cargo requirements and whether the vessel will complete loading on the ship or a shore stop. Any changes to the vessel’s requirements should, again, be given in writing. These notifications should be signed and stamped by the Master. If it is requested by the Master of the tanker that the cargo flow should be stopped from the shore at a predetermined tonnage/quantity, it must be clearly understood that Waha Oil Company will not be held responsible for any error, and that in the case of overloading, the excess cargo cannot be pumped back ashore. Tankers should keep a continuous listening watch on VHF Ch 08 and 16, failure could result in losing its berthing turn. Vessels must be able to commence loading within 3 hours of making fast, bearing in mind the exposed nature of the berths. Should a tanker be unable to comply with this stipulation, Waha Marine Co-ordinator may berth more suitable vessels ahead of her especially in poor weather conditions. Tankers provide a pilot ladder, or ladders, constructed and placed in accordance with the latest Safety of Life at Sea Convention. Tankers having a large freeboard must use a combination of pilot ladder and accommodation ladder. A ship’s officer, plus the necessary crewmembers should be present at the ladder to ensure the safe embarkation and disembarkation of Mooring Masters and Port Authorities. All such ladders should be thoroughly tested and inspected before the vessel arrives in the recommended anchorage. Tankers should be equipped with an adequate propulsion unit as certified by an appropriate Survey Society. Tankers with inoperative or partially inoperative propulsion units should be rejected. No repairs should be made while the tanker is in or near a berth. Tankers should have 2 bower anchors and ground tackle in good working condition and in sizes and class to quality under either Lloyds or ABS ratings, even though they may have been classified by other Societies. Vessels should be capable of running out a min of 301m of chain on each anchor in order that they may be berthed at one of the sea loading berths. Tankers should have at least one winch, in good working order, on the poop deck capable of heaving on two ropes simultaneously. The winch drums must be of such a size to be able to take at least five turns of mooring rope. Tankers should have one winch on the after end of the main deck, so sited that ropes led through the fairleads at the after end of the main deck, port and starboard, can be hove on. The winch drum must be of such a size to be able to take five turns of mooring rope. All tankers should have suitable stoppers for all lines and stoppers for wire ropes. Wire ropes are a part of the permanent berths and all tankers should pick up wire ropes unless an exception may be based upon the tanker having suitable wires with nylon or synthetic rope tails for ease of handling by launch and launch crews. These tails should be of appropriate strength and of a suitable length to enable them to be manhandled on to the mooring buoy hooks. Constant tension winches may not be used except where they can be solidly locked and the constant tension feature not used. Tankers should have at least nine good synthetic fibre lines of not less than 9in circumference (73mm diameter) and at least 220m in length, with an eye spliced in each end. These lines should be placed out free for running; 3 on the after end of the main deck and 6 on the poop deck. The 3 lines on the after end of the main deck should be married together so that if the need arises a double length can be run on either side of the tanker. The Mooring Master may require the use of additional ropes or wires to effect a safer mooring and these are to be supplied on his advice. Tankers should be equipped with block, tackle, booms, runners and sundry equipment to efficiently hoist the submarine hoses or floating hoses (up to about 10t) from the sea. Other necessary equipment includes wrenches, gaskets, nuts, bolts, strops, drip tray and sawdust, drift pins, taglines, etc. The derrick should be rigged with a single wire running of sufficient strength to be able to lift at least 10t. After the tanker is securely berthed, the submarine hoses should be lifted amidships on the port side. The base lift may weigh up to 10t. Hoses should be lifted and connected by the tanker crew. The Mooring Master should advise the tanker’s office in charge concerning liftingtechniques; however, the responsibility for all operations should remain with the officer. Should the vessel’s cargo figures exceed the shore cargo figures by an amount greater than 0.45%, then the Mooring Master may delay the sailing of the vessel until the difference has been resolved.
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: As there are few landmarks, the approach to Es Sider is best made parallel to the coast until the oil tanks are detected on radar. The tanks are visible on radar at a distance of approx 30nm and the water tower at approx 20nm. During the hours of darkness, leading lights and mooring buoy marker lights may be exhibited from time to time. These lights are for the use of pilots and mooring parties, and should generally be disregarded by vessels.
Pilot: Pilotage is compulsory for vessels berthing, pilots are available at all hours. The pilot boarding place is in the vicinity of 30°40.2’N 018°23.5’E. The pilot boat is black with white upper works. The pilot remains on board until the vessel leaves the terminal.
Anchorages: The recommended anchorage for vessels awaiting a berth, lies between the parallels of 30°41.4’N and 30°43.0’N and between the meridians of 018°22.0’E and 018°25.0’E. The depth is approx 33m over a bottom of sand and the holding ground is reported to be good. The boundary of the prohibited anchorage area is indicated by 3 lightbuoys disposed along the northern edge of the area, but these buoys may be extinguished or removed from time to time and should not be relied upon. Tidal range and flow: Range 0.5m.
Dock density: 1025.
Weather: Prevailing winds: NW’ly.
Principal navigation aids: Coastal landmarks in the area are as follows One of the most prominent landmarks is a water tower in the terminal area which is painted white and is 54.8m above sea level. This water tower is located at 30°38’N 018°21’E (FR) A communication tower in the terminal area is a most conspicuous landmark. It is located at 30°37.60’N 018°20.55’E. A radio antenna tower that is 120m above sea level is located at 30°36.56’N 018°21.01’E.(Oc(2)+FR). It is flanked by two dish-shaped aerials. There is a water tower at Ras Lanuf Terminal with a height elevation of 54.7m above sea level located 30°30.6’N 018°32.3’E. A light, Fl(2)5s, height above sea level 50m, is mounted on the seaward side. There is also a fixed red air warning light on the top of the structure. An omnidirectional aircraft radio beacon is situated at 30°37.31’N 018°21.04’E, transmission “OJ” 5 times every 60 seconds on 300KC/S. The small harbour that forms part of the terminal of Es Sider is a refuge harbour for small craft of the terminal. Red and green flashing lights at the entrance to this harbour are for the use of terminal craft only and should not be relied upon for navigation. Range lights and mooring buoy marker lights will appear and disappear with unscheduled frequency. These lights are for the use of Mooring Masters at the terminal and should be disregarded by any tankers using the terminal.
Charts : BA 3344. Admiralty Pilot NP49.
Traffic schemes : All vessels bound for Libyan ports must pass through a designated Approach Reporting Point, Es Sider 32°43.0’N 019°06.0’E. On arrival at an Approach reporting Point Vessels must report their position, course and speed to the Port Authority.
Restrictions: The Port Authority must be informed of vessel’s name and ETA. Segregated ballast systems are mandatory.
Tugs : Not available.
Berths And Cargo
Names/Nos: Tanker Berths: There are 4 crude oil loading berths, 2 conventional buoy berths and 2 SBM’s, as follows:
Berth | LOA | Draft | Beam | Long Loading Rate |
(M) | (M) | (M) | ||
NO1 | 280 | 15.5 | – | 40,000bbls/hr |
NO3 | 289 | 15.5 | – | 40,000bbls/hr |
1 NO4 (SBM | 350 | 17.5 | 48 | 35,000bbls/hr |
NO5 (SBM) | 355 | 22.5 | 56 | 50,000bbls/hr |
Vessels using the conventional moorings use both anchors and moor heading due40 N. The stern is tied up to an array of 7 mooring buoys. Vessels using the SBMs 2nm offshore tie up bow on, using 2 mooring chains.
Storage: There are storage facilities available for 6,000,000bbls.
Ballast/slop reception: There are no facilities available for the reception of ballast, vessels are therefore required to discharge clean ballast from segregated ballast tanks only.
Bunkers/water/stores: Bunkering: None available.
Water: Fresh water not available.
Medical facilities: Emergency facilities only.
Transpor: Nearest airport: Local airfield, for oil company personnel only t.
Crew change: Crew change is not possible. Consuls: The consuls are located in Tripoli (650km) and most countries are represented.
Working hours: The port operates throughout 24 hours, 7 days a week, weather permitting.
Surveyors: There are no surveyors at the port.
Recreation: Shore leave is not permitted.
Garbage: There are no garbage collection facilities available. Severe penalties may be imposed for waste or garbage discharged into the sea.
Officials and visitors: No special meals or foods should be required unless to comply with Moslem requirements Pollution: Severe penalties may be imposed for pollution.
Port Description
Location: the port is situated approximately 50 Km west of Tripoli.altrenatevely known as azzawia.
General overview
Traffic figures: Approx 300 vessels visit the port annually.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: About 14.000 dwt.

Pre Arrival Information
ETAs: vessels are informed by agents of the points of entry in Libyan waters 48 hours prior to arrival.
Communications: VHF: contact Ch 16 azzawia control also Ch 22 and 27.
Port limits: the port limits extend N from the shore to 32° 50.5 N 012°44 E.
Anchorage: on arrival vessels are advised to anchor 1.5 nm off No 1 berth to await the pilot. The bottom is reported to be sand over rock.
Dock density: 1025.
Weather: prevailing winds: NWly (winter): N, NE and Ely throughout the rest of the year.
Charts: BA 3327, 3353, admiralty pilot NP 49.
Restriction: berthing during daylight only.underthing nightly only in special cases. Tugs available.
Berths And Cargo
Berths | Vessel capacity (t). |
No 1 | 10,000-100,000 |
No 2 | 5.000-40,000 |
No 3 | 15,000-140,000 |
These berths are 2 × SBM and 1 × CBM.
Tanker berths: Vessel use own boom to lift hoses:
Berth No 1: boom capacity not less than 7t.
Berth No 2: boom capacity not less than 5t.
Berth No 3: boom capacity not less than 10t.
Medical facilities azzawia central hospital
Transport; nearest air port: Tripoli international.
Airport facilities: international flight.
Port Description
Location: Mellitah is located on the N coast of Libya, 85km W of Tripoli.
General overview:Mellitah is a SBM offshore terminal
Load Line zone: Summer.
Port Description
Location: Bouri is located approximately 50nm off the Libyan coast in western Libya, close to the order with Tunisia.
General overview: FSU “Sloug” is oored to the SPM structure by an articulated bracket, water depth approx 166m.
Traffic figures: Approximately 22 vessels handled annually.
Load Line zone: Summer..
Max size: LOA 286m, 35,000 -130,000DWT, beam 44m, no draught restriction.

Pre Arrival Information
ETA’s: Vessel s ETA should be sent to AGIP Oil Tripoli through the agent 72, 48 and 24 hours prior to arrival. 72hrs message should contain the following information.
- Name of vessel and Master’s name
- Flag
- GT, NT, DWT, LOA and draught
- Quantity of cargo required
- Information as requested by the operators
- Notify any changes 12 hours in advance .
Documentation required: The following documents are required:-
- Crew List
- Passenger List
- Bonded Stores List
- Personal and Stores Declaration
- Last Port of Call Clearance
- International Maritime Health Declaration
- Animal Health Declaration
- Entering and Departure Territorial Waters Certificate
- Report Inward/Outward Certificate
- Tanker Certificate
- Certificate of Discharge, (signed by authorities of last port loaded in Libya)
Cargo documentation: The following documents are to be delivered onboard by the agent:-
- Bill of Lading
- Certificate of Origin
- Cargo Manifest
- Time Sheet
- Laboratory Test
- Ullage Report
- Master’s receipts for samples and documents
- Communications: VHF: Ch 16, callsign “Bouri Terminal Sloug”.
Flags: The Libyan National Flag is to be displayed throughout 24 hours, the pilot and International “B” flag are also required.
Regulations and general notices: The Bouri FSU Terminal regulations and information are available upon arrival.
Pilot: Pilotage, compulsory for all vessels, is provided by the Mooring Master. The pilot boards 2nm S of FSU “Sloug”, via tug, “Salvatore”.
Anchorages: The waiting area is 2nm S of FSU “Sloug”. Anchorage is strictly forbidden. Tidal range and flow: The prevailing current flows eastward, max 1.5kts, tidal range approx 1.0m.
Dock density: 1025.
Weather: Radial distribution indicates an increase of wind blowing from the NW and a decrease when blowing E-SE. Winds occasionally reach force 8 or more from NW during the winter months.
Charts: BA 3327.
Restrictions: Berthing is in daylight only. Navigation is prohibited within 0.5nm of the line joining the platforms, “DP3” and “DP4”, except under terminal pilot’s supervision. Vessels should proceed to the waiting area 2nm S of the FSU and must not approach any structure closer than 0.5nm.
Tugs: When berth is occupied one tug is secured at aft position, utilising tug lines.
Mooring information: Berthing is normally in tandem. Approx 9.0m of 3in chafe chain is secured to Smit Bracket on FSU poop. The chain is connected to 45m, nylon hawser, 20in circumference, then to a 2nd chafe chain 3in dia x 9.1m. This assembly is heaved on board the export tanker using 600 x 12in polypropylene, pick up line, then secured to forward chain stopper. In the event of side by side berthing, procedures will be provided upon arrival, 10 lines ford and 8 lines aft are usually required.
Berths And Cargo
Names/Nos: Bouri oil field contains a number of lighted production platforms and a SPM loading FSU, all of which should be given a berth of at least 0.5nm. A storage tanker is moored to the SPM. Tankers of between 35,000-130,000DWT may load crude oil at the tanker, securing either port side to or astern. 2 x 16 in hoses are used with a loading rate of 9,000tph of Bouri Crude.
Ballast/slop reception: There are no ballast/slop facilities available.
Safety: Check lists are presented by the Mooring Master to be verified and signed by the Master prior to the commencement of vessel operations.
Port Description
Location: khoms is situated on the coast of Libya. 250 Km from the Tunisian border.
General overview: khoms is now considered as a direct delivery port and is available for handling of cars. Containers and other cargoes which need not to be stored in closed storage.
Load line zone: summer.
Max size: 14.500 wt.
Pre Arrival Information
ETAs: is to be sent on departure from previous port and 24 hours prior to arrival. the port can accept diverted vessels with an hours notice.
Communications: radio: VHF: communication with port authority on Ch 16 and with the pilot station on Ch 08, 10 and 12.
Health regulations: the vessel should have a clean bill of health or equivalent document from the last port of call. The vessels master and all crew should possess international health certificate showing a valid smallpox vaccination certificate. Costumes and immigration: Libyan costumes and immigration officials will board the vessels as soon as possible, after arrival to give inward clearance and pratique services, Libyan government regulations are strictly enforced. Cigarettes, cigar, tobacco, spirits, wines, beers, parfumes, arms, immunitions, saccharin and possibly other items have to be locked up under custom seal, from time of vessels arrival until time of leaving territorial waters. Each person is allowed 25 cigarettes per day of stay or 25 gm of tobacco or cigars in lieu thereof.
Customs will require the following:
Document copies-crew list.
Crew personal effects declaration (including cigarettes, etc).
Stores list.
Passenger list.
Crew list and crew personal effects declaration must be on the approved Libyan
government documents.
Vessels are advised on their initial visit to the terminal to obtain sufficient forms for future visits.
The following are also required:
Document copies.
Cargo manifests discharge.
Passengers manifest.
Clearance from the last call of port will be required from the government authorities.
According to the Libyan (boycott of Israel) law, it’s considered to be a violation for any vessel calling at Libyan terminals or ports to have on board to have any item of Israeli or South African origin regardless of the country from which it was actually obtained. This law is strictly enforced and the main penalties will probably include and confiscation of all items.
Flags: during load or unloading the international code flag B shall be displayed in accordance of with the international code signal agreement.
Notice of readiness: NOR is tendered once berthed alongside.
General notice and regulations: all related all related Libyan regulations must be met for the port of khoms.for more detailed information ships owners may contact any Libyan marine agent.
Port Description
Location: Zuara is situated 120km W of Tripoli,close to the Tunisian border.
General overview: Traffic figures: Approx 50 vessels visit the port annually.
Load Line zone: Summer.

Pre Arrival Information
Communications: VHF: Ch 16.
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: The port is approached by a channel 1,000m in length which is rotected by 2 breakwaters.
Approach reporting point: Vessels approaching Zuara must pass through the Approach Reporting Point (33°03N 012°15E), as shown on the chart. For details of Approach Reporting Point see Country Marine Information.
Entry: From the Approach Reporting Point the track leads SW for about 10nm,passing (with positions from Zuara Main Light (32°55N 012°07E): SE of a dangerous wreck (4.5nm N), then: Clear of a lightbuoy (special, spherical) (2nm NE) then: Clear of the fairway lightbuoy (safe water) (1nmENE). A buoyed channel leads SW for about 0.45nm and then WNW for a further 0.35nm to enter the harbour between the end of the N mole,from where a light (metal framework tower on white hut) is exhibited, and the elbow of the S mole from where a light is also exhibited.
Pilot: Available.
Anchorages: The anchorage area for vessels awaiting a berth is within 1nm of 32°57’N 012°10.5’E. nchorage may be obtained in depths from 6.9-9.1m, mud, with the N mole head bearing approx 213°. A vessel anchoring in Libyan roadsteads during the winter season is recommended to leave the anchorage, used by day for working cargo and anchor farther out for the night as at that time of year there are strong winds, and occasionally gales, from NW. All vessels must anchor as instructed by the Port Authority, and must not shift berth except on the instruction of the Port Authority.
Dock density: 1025.
Weather: The harbour is unsafe in E and NE winds.
Charts: 3353. Admiralty Pilot NP49. Tugs: 2 tugs available.
Berths And Cargo
Names/Nos: A floating jetty extends nearly 0.1nm SW from the root of the mole,with a 120m fixed angle jetty extending the same distance SE. The latter can accommodate vessels drawing up to 4.0m on its N side, and up to 5.0m on its S side. Smaller vessels can use either side of the floating jetty. The S basin, with depths of 4.0m, is fully quayed.
Storage: Open storage of 16,000m2. General
Bunkers/water/stores: Fresh water: Available.
Medical facilities: Medical facilities are available in the town.
Transport: Nearest airport: Tripoli International Airport, 125km.
Public holidays: Mar 8, May 25, Jun 11, Jul 23, Sep 1, Oct 7.
Variable dates: El Moulded el Nabwi, Aid il Fitr, Id el Adha, Higri New year.Fridays are a weekly port oliday. Working hours: Normally 0800-1200hrs, 1300-1700hrs.Overtime: 2000-2400hrs, 0100-0700hrs.
Developments: A new general cargo/container port is planned. New breakwaters quays and jetties are to be constructed providing berths for general cargo, container, ro-ro and liquid bulk traffic.
Port Description
Location: Derna is situated in eastern Libya, between Benghazi and Tobruk.
General overview: Derna is a small commercial harbour with reasonable equipment for handling bulk, container, general and Ro-Ro vessels.
Imports: Grain, livestock, animal feed and general cargo.
Exports Wool, cement and fish.
Traffic figures: Approximately 30 ships visit the port annually.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: LOA 150m, draught 8.2m, 10,000DWT.

Pre Arrival Information
Communications: VHF: Port Control: Ch 16.
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: Approach and entry: The port is approached through an Approach Reporting Point and entered between breakwater heads. For details of Approach Reporting Points see General Marine Information.
Entry: From a position E of the N Breakwater Head the track leads about 0.5nm E to the harbour entrance, passing N of a lightbuoy (port hand) moored 0.2nm E of the entrance. The entrance is dredged to 10m and the harbour dedged to 9m.
Useful marks: Light on head of S breakwater (32°45.8 N 022°39.7 E). Light (dolphin) at SE end of North Quay.
Pilot: Compulsory. Vessels are not permitted to enter the harbour between 2100-0600hrs.
Anchorages: The designated anchorage is within 0.5nm radius of 32°47N 022°40.5E, as shown on the chart. All vessels must anchor as instructed by the Port Authority, and must not shift berth except on the instructions of the Port Authority.
Tidal range and flow: Range 0.5m.
Dock density: 1025.
Weather: Prevailing winds: N’ly.
Principal navigation aids: Darnah Light (white tower, black stripes, 12m in height) (32°45’N 022°41’E) is exhibited approximately 1.75nm SE of the harbour.
Charts: BA 3355. Admiralty Pilot NP49, NP286(3.
Restrictions: Entry during daylight only.
Tugs: There are 3 tugs up to 2,400hp available.
Berths And Cargo
Names/Nos: There is a total of about 940m of berthing space available. Berths No 2 and 3 have depths alongside of 9.0 to 10m, the remainder a depth of 7.5m.There are no tanker berths.Storage: There is 207,000m2 of open storage area and 4,800m2 of covered storage available.
Barges: A lighter is available
Bunkers/water/stores: Fresh water: Available.
Medical facilities: There is a hospital available locally.
Transport: Nearest airport: Benghazi Airport 300km.
Public holidays: Mar 8, May 25, Jun 11, Jul 23, Sep 1, Oct 7. Variable dates: EL Mouled El Nabawi, Aid el Fitr, Aid el Adha & Higri New Year. Fridays are weekly port holidays.
Working hours: Normally 0800-1200hrs, 1300-1700hrs. Overtime 2000-2400hrs, 0100-0700hrs.